The Leadball service was launched in 2020, when I was fired, and decided I would not be somebody’s employee anymore.
Already in the mid-2018 I made a WhatsApp button (like the one I saw in the Internet) for one customer. Later, this button became a widget invented in fact by me, meaning its form which became the most efficient for lead generation. It seemed that there wasn’t such a widget in Russia (I mean a service widget; however later I found a similar thing in the non-Russian Internet, as well as a plugin for WordPress). It was a really simple instrument boosting conversion and producing a real result. This was the time when the mobile traffic share was rapidly growing, and WhatsApp was becoming increasingly popular.
About company:
There weren’t many customers, but each third told me something wanted additionally from WhatsApp features. The widget as a solution didn’t offer prospects, but it helped to start and attract first prominent clients. Later, a chat platform grew from it, as well as chatbots as part of a logical evolutionary process.
At the moment, we are solving several problems of our clients, i.e. help to bring down the costs of advertising and client attraction, make advertising channels more efficient, and quickly launch new selling channels. My point of view is that we help small and medium-sized enterprises to survive.
Leadball Shop service - how to sell more online store using WhatsApp, Telegram and data
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